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Every Friday from 10.06. - ONLY 10 dates - places are limited!!
We start with
Bachata follower style:
6pm - 7pm
**What is that?**
Follower styles are elegant moves that followers perform while dancing.
We focus on our body movements and the way we move naturally while smoothly connecting them to the dance.
We will teach you tips and tricks as well as variations. And we develop your own style and body language together.
Bachata Sensual 1:
7pm - 8pm
**What is that?**
We start here with Sensual Fundamentals and develop and grow together in this style. We will work on bachata sensual elements, posture, technique, musicality and attitude!
Bachata Sensual 2:
8pm - 9pm
**What is that?**
If you've already mastered the basics and the important basics, then you've come to the right place. Movements, steps, turns and combinations are learned and deepened. As well as an understanding of dance and the ability to create and invent oneself more independently
>>Special price<< 10 EUR/h (course unit or individual lessons can be booked. Ask us)
WhatsApp group for organizational purposes: WhatsApp group invitation
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